"Discover the Secrets
To The Best Kawaii
Shopping In Tokyo"
Don't waste your precious holiday time wandering around in circles trying to find a descent kawaii store – know exactly where to find kawaii shopping heaven.
From: Jennifer Gormly
Are you looking for the best kawaii shopping experiences in Tokyo, Japan? Do you want to know exactly where to go to find the cutest collections of kawaii goods and the best range while still having time to take in the sights of Tokyo? Then this will be the most important message you ever read.
Here's Why . . .
My name is Jennifer Gormly and I am a huge fan of both kawaii and Tokyo.
I have been to Tokyo nine times (most recently in April / May 2012) and have spent hours and hours scouting out the best and easiest to find kawaii shopping experiences around Tokyo.
Every time I come home from Tokyo my suitcases are full of kawaii cuteness – soft toys, stickers, stationery, Re-ment toys, gachapon, adorable socks, cute home wares and anything else you can imagine.
And My Friends Beg Me To Tell Them Where To Go In Tokyo To Find Them All So That They Can Return From Their Trips With Lots Of Kawaii Cuteness Too!
I used to tell them just to look around online for information and suggestions for cute stores in Tokyo. But the truth is, that just doesn't cut it!
I have spent hours scouring the internet, looking at blogs and travel websites trying to find the best places to shop. And I can tell you, it is not easy work. Most of the websites are either in Japanese (I don't speak or read a word of it), don't provide any directions (so how are you supposed to find anything?) or are several years old and completely out of date (doesn't that drive you nuts?).
It can be a real up hill battle to work out where to go to find cute kawaii shops in Japan…but it is NOT a battle that you have to fight.
Luckily For You, I Am the Sort of Woman Who Never Gives Up… So I Have Fought the Fight For You.
I have done all the research. I have read all the websites. I have made lists of all the shops they recommend. And, most importantly, I have visited them myself. I know what each store sells, how good it is and how worthwhile it is for you to spend your treasured vacation time visiting. And I know how to find them (no more wandering around in circles getting lost!).
I have shared all of it with you in my guide to Kawaii Shopping In Tokyo!
Plus, I have added my own secret gems…stores that you won't find mentioned elsewhere but that are pure kawaii gold!
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Trust me, I know what it feels like to dream of going to Japan. Right through high school and university it was the one place I was dying to visit. And when the opportunity to go finally arose, I was so excited I was almost jumping out of my skin (actually, I still get that excited before each and every trip).
But my first trip to Tokyo was actually a little disappointing. I had so little time there and I had no idea where to go to shop. I didn't have anything or anyone to guide me. I had heard about one store in Ginza, so I made sure I went there, but the rest of the time I was just wandering aimlessly. I came home almost empty-handed.
Imagine how that felt! I had been dreaming about Japan and shopping in Japan for years and when I finally got to go, I hardly found anything. No cute soft toys, no adorable kawaii fashions, no unique home wares,…and just a handful of stickers. I was so sad!
I knew I must have missed something. Japan is supposed to be full of cuteness, right? The truth is, it is. But I couldn't find it! I had to wait another five years before I could go back and discover what I had missed. And I had missed so much!!!
This does NOT have to be you! With this guide by your side, you do not have to miss any of the treasure trove of kawaii shops around Tokyo.
It doesn't matter whether this is your first trip or your 21st trip, I want to make sure you have an amazing kawaii shopping experience in Tokyo and this guide will show you how.
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I have to confess – I no longer go from shop to shop hoping that the next one *might* sell something cute. It can be very draining and disheartening to shop like that, not to mention, time-consuming. And, it takes away from all the excitement of being in Tokyo.
Tokyo is crammed full of adorable kawaii stores…the types of stores you dream of visiting. But they are not always easy to spot if you don't know where to look. In fact, there have been several instances where I have walked right past amazing kawaii shops and not even realised that they were there! I only discovered these hidden gems when I returned to Tokyo on another visit a year or two later. (Thankfully, I did find them though as it is often these hidden treasures that prove the most kawaii fun and you won't want to miss them!)
Now when I visit Tokyo I have a list of all my favourite stores to shop at and I know exactly where they are so I can easily slot them into my itinerary.
This Is A Huge Advantage Over Most
Kawaii Shoppers Visiting Tokyo…
as I get in tonnes of quality kawaii shopping time while still being able to visit the attractions of Tokyo (and not totally bore my husband to death).
And you can too because this guide…
Eliminates the Need To Spend Months and Months Planning While Showing You the Best Kawaii Shopping Spots In Tokyo!
Until recently, the only way to get this information from me was to take me out to lunch. I have so much to share with you to help you create the kawaii shopping experience of your dreams that it just wouldn't fit in a simple email or blog post!
But I have finally put my nose to the grindstone and have worked countless hours to transform all my personal notes, tips and secrets into this easy-to-follow guide to Kawaii Shopping in Tokyo.
This comprehensive guide includes:
By using this guide, you will be able to choose the kawaii shopping experiences that best suit you and your tastes so that you have the most shopping fun in Tokyo.And, you will be able to see at a glance where they will fit into your sightseeing schedule. But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Let me show you what else you can do with this guide by your side:
And, There's More: For each area featured in my guide to Kawaii Shopping In Tokyo, I have included suggestions of nearby attractions you might like to visit on the same day so that you can enjoy everything Tokyo has to offer, not just the shopping. (Or, of course, if you prefer, you could always send your family off to enjoy the tourist attractions while you get in some serious shopping time to yourself).
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There are a lot of people around the world who are going to be furious with me for spilling the beans on the best places for kawaii shopping in Tokyo. They like to keep their sources of kawaii goodies a secret.
But, I want you to have an AWESOME time in Tokyo. As a kawaii fan myself, I know how exciting it is to visit a cute kawaii store in Tokyo. It can be a real holiday highlight and I don't want you to miss out on that exhilaration!
So everything you need has been included in this guide!
Order now for only $17 USD
When you order your copy right now…YOU will also qualify for a BONUS GIFT valued at $17, as my way of saying thank you in advance for becoming a valued customer and giving my guide a go.
Order now for only $17 USD
This price wouldn't buy you a visit for two to Tokyo Tower – let alone the fun and excitement that many kawaii fans from around the world are already experiencing in Tokyo. Yet, for the price of a couple of bowls of noodles…you can create the kawaii holiday of your dreams…with this guide revealing to you everything you need to know to plan all your kawaii fun (without you having to spend endless house online researching).
This, my kawaii friend, is an absolute bargain for serious kawaii-aholics like yourself. What's more, your small investment is actually irrelevant, because. . .
How fair is this Guarantee?
Only $17 USD
* * * When you place your order, you will get instant access to the complete guide straight away, no matter where you are (Australia, USA, England, Antarctica…it really doesn't matter). There is no waiting days for something to arrive in the mail and no ridiculous shipping charges – you simply download to your computer and start uncovering Tokyo's kawaii goldmines today!
It's Now Up To You . .
I have done everything I can to prove to you just how useful, informative and fun my Kawaii Shopping In Tokyo guide will be for you.
But it is up to you. If you want to spend hours struggling to do all the research yourself and risk missing out on the best kawaii shopping Tokyo has to offer . . . then do not invest.
If on the other hand, you want to arrive in Tokyo excited and armed with everything you need to know for an amazing shopping experience . . . then take immediate action now, while it is fresh in your mind (and before you lose the URL) . . . today and turn your Japan trip into an incredible and memorable holiday full of kawaii cuteness.
Invest in your discounted copy of "Kawaii Shopping In Tokyo" right now
You have absolutely nothing to risk and everything to gain!
Wishing you an amazing kawaii time in Tokyo and safe travels.
Jen Gormly
P.S. Don't forget you have a full 60 days to evaluate every aspect of this guide. You could even plan your holiday to Japan and be back home again before the guarantee period is over. And when you are back home . . . I would love to hear how your holiday turned out! Click here to invest in my guide to Kawaii Shopping In Tokyo!